The Southington Schools & Community Gardens Collaboration is helping its community grow by providing technical assistance, resources and partnerships that help to cultivate healthy eaters, while assisting in the production of sustainably grown food.
This website is supported by a grant from
For more information on the important work that Activate Southington does to make our community a healthier place please visit their website.
“With the love of the school garden has grown the desire for a home garden and some of their plots at home are very good…Since commencing the garden work the children have become better companions and friends…and to feel that there is a right way of doing everything…it is our garden…We try to carry that spirit into our schoolroom.”
In 1909, Ventura, California schoolteacher Zilda M. Rogers wrote to the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of California, Berkeley, a primary proponent and provider of garden education resources for schoolteachers.
Composting is a natural fit with garden programs as it provides a responsible way to reuse biodegradable waste. It’s also a way to teach students about the natural cycles of life and the recycling of nutrients in the ecosystem. Composting can also help remind students they are part of a bigger picture. What they do matters. By composting they are taking a step to care for our environment and give back to the garden. Just as each microorganism deep within the compost pile individually is small, when all the organisms work together they are able to decompose large amounts of waste and contribute beautiful, rich soil to the garden.
For more information on composting, visit,
Please support and visit these organizations listed below that make the
Southington Schools & Community gardens Collaboration possible.